Hi, friends! Thanks so much for all your kind words over the past few weeks. I’m glad to know you all feel so seen and attacked. I want to talk a bit about why I decided to do this comic, and where I hope it will go.

Five years ago, I imploded. A panic attack laced with suicidal ideation put me into the hospital for a stay of roughly two weeks. I ended up depressed, agoraphobic, unemployed, and in kind of a bad mood. Thankfully, I’m white, middle class, and have a husband with health insurance, so I spent those five years slowly, painfully crawling my way back to some approximation of functional.

I’m still not there yet, not fully. But I am leaps and bounds better than I was when I imploded. So I decided to do the rational thing and exploit my suffering to make a webcomic about funny animals. It took a while to get going, as all my creativity and focus was obliterated when I imploded. But hey, I’m at about half capacity now, so I might as well, right? What else am I gonna do? Not make a comic?

Anyway, here’s the comic. It’s about being sad. And gay. Our hero, Lee the talking cat, is basically me from five years ago. But I don’t want him to stay there. I want him to work on himself, slowly, painfully, hilariously clawing his way up to where I am now. And then work even harder, and get himself to a level of functionality and happiness that makes me destroy the comic in a fit of jealousy. Hopefully I have a Patreon by then.

That’s all. Enjoy!